A Research Project of the Institute of Nursing Science · University of Basel


MatchRN Vorträge

Bachnick, S., Ausserhofer, D., Schubert, M., Simon, M. (2017). « Einfluss der Arbeitsumgebung auf Patientenzentriertheit ». Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner (SBK) Kongress Bern: “Pflege – Wir zeigen Initiative”, Workshop, 17. Mai 2016, Bern, Switzerland

Schubert, M., Ausserhofer, D., Bachnick, S., Sharma, N., Simon, M. (2017). Matching nurse staffing and skill mix with the number of patients and their care needs to prevent rationing of nursing care. NURSING WORKFORCE AND PATIENT SAFETY, ICN Congress 2017, 30 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain

M. Simon, D. Ausserhofer, S. Bachnick, R. Schendimann, S. De Geest, M. Schubert (2017): Assessing the impact of the DRG introduction on nurse staffing and rationing of nursing care in Swiss acute-care hospitals: a time-series cross-sectional analysis. THE CHALLENGES OF NURSING CARE RATIONING, 1st Rancare Conference – COST Action 15208, 23. February 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

D. Ausserhofer,  F. Mantovan, M. Simon, M Schubert (2017): Nurses’ perception, criteria and mental models with regard to clinical decision-making, priority setting and implicit rationing of nursing care in Italian acute care hospitals: preliminary findings from a qualitative stud. “THE CHALLENGES OF NURSING CARE RATIONING”, 1st Rancare Conference – COST Action 15208, 23. February 2017, Limassol, Cyprus.

Peter Griffiths & Michael Simon: Nurse staffing and patient outcomes (2017): Strengths and limitations of the evidence and how to move forward. Workshop at European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS) Winter Summit, 26./27. January. Dublin, Ireland

Simon M., Bachnick S., Zùñiga, F. (2016). « Die Arbeitsumgebung mit Benchmarking gestalten ». Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner (SBK) Kongress Davos: “Pflege Gipfeltreffen: Wissen – Energie – Fürsorge/Caring”, Workshop, 3. Juni 2016, Davos, Schweiz